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p> Mr. Pickles is wheeled into the O.R., but not before mouthing to his sister, "talk to her." Gee, that will end well in roses and lemonade. When Mr. Pickles insists he just needs passage up Pickle Falls to see his family, they fear he will murder them as well. They fear he will murder them. In time we get used to our partner, and even stop experimenting. No matter how many times that old bastard sets them up to get fucked in the rape-cage, they follow, limping and bleeding, they follow. Even at the debates, they avoid his perpetually pontificating old ass like the drunk chick at a wedding party, while they softball grounder after grounder to poll-fucked centrist losers like Amy Klobuchar. This is the limp-wristed prick who stood silent with that goofy Chucky Cheese grin and his hands in his pockets while Hillary the Barbarian pegged his young supporters out of one rigged primary after another. The executives try to convince Seb to strike while the iron is hot, but the bigger issue the executives insisting on is getting Mr. Pickles back on the air as soon as possible so the toys can be pushe